Reporters are trained to develop a sixth-sense, a nose for when stories felt fishy. And something about this wasn’t right. First of all…

It was snowing in Africa.  She snows of Mt Kilimanjaro were green with warmer temperatures. In Indiana It was unseasonably warm, with temperatures in the 50s or 60s everyone commented on how “nice” the weather was. Few seemed appropriately upset or concerned

And there were the government factions who were claiming global climate change (gcc) was a farce something made up by Communist China to cause fear and unrest in the Western world. Despite all the scientific warnings and evidence, like why did Indiana not get a snowflake till December 24?

But more than the weather was a switch in attitude from the government Did they no longer care? That’s what this reporter aims to find out that’s why my camera man, John< and I are visiting the White House Press Club. That’s what we are going to get to the bottom off…

The Dream

Perhaps it was a dream, she thought.  Perhaps if she pinched herself, she would wake up but she didn’t want to wake up. She wanted to stay in the dream world where…


She trekked around in a motor coach with her wife, her friends, and of course Shep the wonder dog. Shep is a Chihuahua / rat terrier mix who goes wherever she goes. He has a service god vest so he can go to therapy and into stores. His small size would be perfect for the motor coach.

She made a whole Pinterest board for “camping” She would be “glamping “with the motor coach but she still loved cooking food in tin foil packets on the bonfire.  She wanted to hike and fish and lives off the land as much as possible. She made another Pinterest board for “felt crafts” for decor she could make for the motor coach. A lot of it was cute owl stuff cushions and the like. She thought it would be fun to decorate with a “wilderness” theme.

OH well she thought its nothing but walnut tar so it’s time to wake up and face the day. I wonder what daydreams will pass the day today…

Mirror mirror


Mirror mirror on the wall


Who’s the craziest of all?


I have hallucinations and delusions


So it’s an easy solution


To say I’m crazy, write me off


“Normal” people often scoff


How do you handle schizophrenia?


How do you deal with depression and mania?


It’s all part of my reality
I guess you could say “crazy” is my specialty


Mirror mirror on the wall?


Who’s the sanest one of all?


Moods may rise and moods may fall


I can handle whatever life throws at me


That is my true specialty




The cure

We need a cure

A cure for sure

Mental illness untreated

Help me please the patients pleaded

So they made pills and drinks and creams

So addictive that we fiend

Some will turn you into a zombie

Make you as peaceful as Mahatma Gandhi

Some will make you rage even more

Others make your body sore

Some will make you big and fat

Can you even imagine that?

If regular pills made you gain weight

There would be protests straight away

Some will make you sleep and sleep

Others will make you weep

Some make you need to get your blood drawn

Others make you stay awake long


Feel the powers

Drs. and Scientists have over the mentally ill

We are subject to their  will

Then there is ECT

Please don’t even start with me

And for this we pay a fee

Makes you lose your memory

There is no other disease

That would be treated by ECTs

If you tried cancer patient shock

The entire world you’d rock

So I ask if we sound defeated

When we leave mental illness untreated

A Friend Till the End


Fits of Mania

These things are so hard to explain to ya

If you don’t have a clue

Probably don’t know what to do

To help a loved one or a friend

Cope and make it through the end

Of an episode

Seems like secret code

Hallucinations and Delusions

Unable to come to conclusions

That they aren’t real

How does it feel?

To have someone negate your reality

Or question doctors with a speciality

The best thing you can do is a friend to be

Listen and support nonjudgmentally

Doesn’t matter if you can’t comprehend

As long as you’re there in the end



Hiding places

Hiding places

Emotional spaces

Where you feel safe and calm

Go there without any qualms

Some spaces store precious items

Like a letter or lost diadem

Some store thoughts and feelings

That would normally leave us reeling

Too intense to face each day

So in sacred places we let them lay

Hidden under lock and key

Worried too intense they’d be

You’d probably be bed ridden

If you didn’t keep them hidden

Instead of repressing and hiding

Face your hidden demons fighting




Birthdays first days

Sometimes they’re the worst days

Looking back on all you you’ve done

Sometimes isn’t very fun

Feel like you should have accomplished more

Not sure what you’re celebrating for

Birthdays fun days

Sometimes they’re number one days

Celebrate with family and friends

Wish the fun would never end

When you start to feeling down

Because you’re birthday’s coming round

Try to remember this one thing

Too much value we do bring

To birthday woes and birthday fun

Its how many times the earth’s gone around the sun

So next time you wish your birthday wasn’t

Remember it’s much more pleasant

To have a birthday than the alternative

So to your birthday not too much spurn you give




Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire


Where there’s smoke there’s fire

Liar liar pants on fire siting on the telephone wire

Wonder who came up with that expression?

Had to get out all the aggression

Of someone who spurned them in the past

Had to end the relationship fast

Somehow knew it wouldn’t last

Just because something SEEMS wrong

Doesn’t mean it doesn’t belong.

I have an illness makes me delusional

Doesn’t mean I need institutional-

lized Something’s gotta give

It’s a heavy burden I lift

Trying to separate fact from fiction

Sometimes my hallucinations do a stunning rendition

Of a reality

Oh where’s the gravity

To keep me down on planet earth

Avoiding the tricky manic mirth

Or the depression

Not to mention anxiety and aggression

To harm anyone is not my desire

Just because I smoke there’s no fire.





Beaches – a Tear Jerker

Today’s  prompt  write a poem  about a movie that made you cry

The movie Beaches made my cry.

It’s not hard to see why

Barbara Hershey has terminal illness

Bette Midler has to beg for forgiveness

They are truly lasting friends

With a love that never ends

Bette Midler sings “Wind Beneath my Wings”

Hardly a dry eye as her voice rings

This movie’s a real tear jerker

Don’t think I have to explain any further



Decades Ago

pt192Today’s prompt is to write about my favorite decade. Now I was born in1976, so it would stand to reason I would pick a decade 1980s or above. I have always been told I have an “old soul” and that I am very mature for my age. Basically, I had few friends in childhood and preferred to hang out with my parents their friends and other adults.  I strongly believe I have been at least twice reincarnated before my birth in 1976 and the two decades that I am fascinated with are ones where I spent my past lives.

The first life is in the roaring 20’s I was a young girl raised in a temperance family. I was Expected to go to the bars and speak-easies to condemn the evil poison that is alcohol particularly whiskey.  However, when I came to New York from my small town in Kansas, I was immediately attracted by the lights, the music, the overall glitz and glamor of it all. I would dance late into the night at the hottest clubs hit –up by all the soon to be expatriate writers. It was there at the Neon Cotton that I went to bed with Earnest Hemingway. I claimed to be the inspiration for Lady Ashley Brett in The Sun Also Rises. I also rebelled against my temperance family and immigrated to Paris where I met a wealthy man and lived into my 40’s and died from a case of scarlet fever.

Even today I am very interested in the temperance movement and the subsequent repeal of the 18th amendment. I watched the Ken Burns documentary on Prohibition enough to have it memorized. I love swing dancing and swing music such as Ellington, Django, and Glen Miller band. I am very well-read and well-versed in the roaring twenties and the lives of the expatriate authors.

The second decade I am absolutely obsessed with is the 1960’s. I have actual visions of this life. I was a man with wild long red curly hair and an unkempt wiry beard. I often wore a psychedelic plaid shirt blue and red with white dotted tear-drop shapes. I smoked pot and dropped LSD went to many open concerts and shows in the Haight-Ashbury district. I danced to the dead, drove a VW bus yellow with red and white checked curtains and sold falafels at Dead concerts to make money. I had a gf named Sue –zu and skated in empty pools in LA… My life was cut tragically short when I got a bad dose of shrooms during a Dead concert at the Hollywood Bowl. Marking the end of my life into the passing of this current one was almost immediate. I probably ODed in mid-70’s and was soon reborn.

I am still a huge fan of 60’s rock. Huge Deadhead, Janis Joplin, and Quicksilver Messenger Band etc. the list goes on. I even had a tattoo of grateful dead bears around my ankle. I love Jesus sandals, roach clips and all things leather and beaded.

I have yet to find my “decade” for this life. I am wondering if it’s only a retro-active thing. The more you remember the more you can latch on to the part of life that makes you who you really are or at who you really were and maybe just maybe who you’ll really be.